Comfortable to calculate the Kv and Kvs value
Our proven calculation and design software ValvePilot supports you in calculating and selecting the right pressure control valve for your specific application.
At the touch of a button, ValvePilot calculates the Kv and Cv values, sound pressure level, nominal diameter, inlet and outlet velocity and reduction ratio. In the relevant cases the program displays warnings and recommendations for critical applications and suggests suitable valve types which can be configured accordingly.
Your virtual assistant ValvePilot is another milestone in Mankenberg's consistent digitalization strategy. Use the new online version of ValvePilot to relieve your daily workload! Try it now!
The way to the proper valve
Designing and selecting pressure regulating valves is not a secret science mastered only by a handful of experts. The procedure described below allows the user to select a suitable valve for a particular application with relatively little effort.
The calculations based on the so-called Kv value method have been considerably simplified compared with the very complex calculations given in IEC 534; they produce, however, results which for our purposes are sufficiently accurate.
Kv value
The Kv value is an important parameter for the performance of the valve and thus decisive for valve selection. The flow coefficient Kv (m³/h) indicates the specific volume flow rate of a valve at a determined lift (conditions: pressure loss across the valve 1 bar, medium water 5 – 40°C).
Calculation of the Kv value
The Kv value (application) is calculated from the given operating conditions of the application and allows the selection of the proper valve.
Calculation formular