The management

Dr. Stefan Nehlsen is managing director of Mankenberg GmbH. 

With Mankenberg into the future: Mankenberg meets the structural change, varying market scenarios and the emerging shortage of resources in an agile and proactive way. In doing so, the management relies on solid growth through innovative and modular products, digital processes and the development of new markets.

The key is digital transformation. Digitization creates leeway for innovative developments and shortens production cycles. The aim is to establish highly flexible, partially automated workshop production and optimize production control.

A flexible and creative management culture is permanently anchored at Mankenberg and supports the willingness to think in alternatives and scenarios. Flat hierarchies with cross-team work shorten decision-making paths. The competencies of the motivated and committed workforce are an important resource for the company.

Managing director of Mankenberg GmbH Dr. Stefan Nehlsen

Dr. Stefan Nehlsen

was born in Lübeck in 1963. He studied physics at the Hamburg University, was awarded his doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) at Hamburg-Harburg University of Tech­nology and completed his studies in business adminis­tration holding a master degree in econophysics.

With meanwhile more than three decades of professional and manage­ment experience in the machinery and plant engineering sector, he was appointed Managing Director of Mankenberg GmbH in September 2017.

Dr. Stefan Nehlsen is married and father of two adult sons.

Photo: Christian Augustin
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